“I just want to thank you for the healing you did on me to help me with my Lymphoma, which I was shockingly diagnosed with in December. It has been a hard and surreal time. First of all, I could not believe the actual healing experience I had with you. I could feel this intense heat from your hands and then the sparks started to fly. It’s a good thing there were no dry leaves around, or I think you could have started a forest fire. What happened after is what I need to share with you. Even through my illness, I’m always running around trying to do everything. When I got home from the healing, I literally passed out in my clothes, which I never do. I woke up three hours later with my jeans and shirt drenched. I took off my wet clothes and stayed in bed for two days. I was not sick, but I just knew that I needed to stay in bed. To rest and let the healing do its work. I need to continue working with you as I’m just blown away by my response to your work and just feel you are helping to save my life. What a blessing that I met you. Thank you.”
Dr. Brie Gibbs is a Lemurian and Shamanic Healer (from her Native American Heritage) and holds herself in her true Goddess Light (Truth, Trust, and Passion). Dr. Brie is known as Goddess Ieanna and is here to represent the love of the Goddess. The way of the Goddess is Love.
The beauty of Dr. Brie’s work comes from the depth of her memories and knowledge, her lifetime of work with the unseen forces of light and love, her higher self and her guides, and the angels. As she teaches each person, wisdom will emerge from within you. As wisdom grows with the Creator’s love inside of you, the love and strength within you become all you need. With love, all things are possible. Dr. Brie teaches that everything is within you and you must learn to access the information from the cellular memory.
Now that Dr. Brie is intertwined with her highest self, Goddess Belle is guiding Dr. Brie through this journey that the Creator chose her to do, telling her the journey will not be easy.
Over the past four years, Dr. Brie has healed and surrendered to her highest self. She shares her work with immense love and gratitude for the benefit of healing and guiding others on their spiritual journeys. As a Goddess, she now wears the ring of her true self. She works closely with the Ascended Masters, the five sisters (Pele, Gaia, Isis, Quan Yin, Mariah), the Elements, and the Elementals.
Dr. Brie founded these trademarked healing modalities: Blessings of Life Black Diamond Energy™, the Goddess Light Lemurian Shamanic Healing™, and the Goddess Light Crystal Healing™. All her methods come from the Christ Consciousness.